Exams at bibis
Examination Data
Before registration it is generally advised to visit the bibis office for advice regarding the tests. To register you can either use our online form or download and print this form and submit it to the bibis office. Our terms and conditions of trade you can also find here at the telc homepage.
telc B1
date | registration deadline |
13./14.02.2024 |
15.01.2024 |
telc B2
date | registration deadline |
13./14.02.2024 | 15.01.2024 |
21./22.05.2024 | 22.04.2024 |
20./21.08.2024 | 22.07.2024 |
19./20.11.2024 | 21.10.2024 |
telc C1 Hochschule
date | registration deadline |
13./14.02.2024 | 15.01.2024 |
21./22.05.2024 | 22.04.2024 |
20./21.08.2024 | 22.07.2024 |
19./20.11.2024 | 21.10.2024 |
telc C2
Please contact us if you´re interested in a C2-exam. Together we´ll find an appropriate date. Note that a registration period of at least 4 weeks is required on the part of telc.
Start telc B1 | Start telc B2 |
Start telc C1 HS | Start telc C1 and C2 |
TUE 10:00 WED 13:00 |
TUE 14:30 WED 13:00 |
TUE 09:30 WED 13:00 |
TUE 10:00 WED 13:00 |
Test: | Fee | Fee (partial test) |
telc B1 | 160,-€ | 120,-€ |
telc B2 | 170.-€ | 120,-€ |
telc C1 | 190.-€ | 140,-€ |
telc C1 HS | 190.-€ | 140,-€ |
telc C2 | 210.-€ | 160,-€ |
Examination Data
There is only a limited number of places. | |||
date |
registration deadline |
12.03.2024 (standard) | 08.02.2024 |
16.05.2024 (standard) | 18.04.2024 |
06.08.2024 (digital) | 25.07.2024 |
15.10.2024 (standard) | 12.09.2024 |
9:00 a.m.
Please come at approx. 8:45 a.m.
Only online at www.testdaf.de. There you find all necessary information regarding the exam.
digital: | 210.- € |
traditional format: | 215.- € |